A Stitch in Time

In the spur of the moment during our life skills outing today, Pip took it upon himself to learn a new skill – cross stitch.

He confidently checked the price of the kit, seeking the best value for money, greeted the cashier politely and paid for the item with confidence.

Having being shown the technique, Pip took it upon himself to create his own pattern in order to perfect his skills before attempting the animal patterns suggested in the kit.

Whilst observing Pip stitching away, I considered how resonant the proverb “A stitch in time…” was. The prompt, decisive action we took back in May to remove him from the school setting certainly has prevented further problems and distress. Pip is thriving in the practical, immersive autonomous learning environment.

Within 15 minutes he had learnt a new skill and produced a coaster displaying a wonderful array of colours. His ability to quickly acquire skills, particularly practical ones, never ceases to amaze me.

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