No Stone Left Unturned

We often question whether what we’re doing is enough. We often question whether the way in which we’re facilitating Pip’s learning is adequate and when in doubt, the pressure to conform to “the norm” can be overwhelming.

We do, however, remind ourselves of all the snippets of success we have had since embracing immersive learning and once again move ourselves outside the “perimeter of expectation”.

We continue to do things Pip’s way based on his needs and interests and are leaving no stone unturned in order to facilitate his learning and development. It has been wonderful to observe the transfer of degree of interest, curiosity and attention following one activity to another since adopting this approach. This, to us, represents learning and engagement at its finest.

A recent palaeontology workshop has sparked many conversations and fossil finding adventures and also enthused Pip to create an ammonite. Using a variety of ingredients and measurements he independently made a dough and marked spines and ribs using materials of his own choosing.

Engagement in this activity not only facilitated sensory needs, gross/fine motor and communication skills but also provided opportunities to further explore numeracy, literacy, history, geography, art & design and archaeology. Another snippet of success!

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